
πŸ™ City2Surf 🌊 is ON AGAIN πŸ˜€

After a two-year hiatus the nation’s premier and iconic fun run event is BACK. During its absence we have lost NOTHING in enthusiasm, but just a little bit of β€œβ€¦so how did we do this?”

NEW Results Portal

Welcome to the future! Yep you made it. And the Joggers Club has hitched a ride in the DeLorean to meet you here...

Exciting New CJC Competition

Just when you thought it was safe... (to take it easy on the 10K Handicap course). Lurking in the background, is a NEW competition, watching and waiting...

2022 Welcome to our Membership

Hello everyone and welcome to a new calendar year of events and activities for the Campbelltown Joggers Club, hopefully uninterrupted by our quite annoying virological companion that is COVID. Nuff said.

Updated Website

If you're already reading this then you will have noticed that the website look has been modernised!