
City2Surf Bus Tickets now publicly available

Published Tue 11 Jun 2024

We have already sold most of our City2Surf bus tickets to our awesome club members (at mates rates) but there are a few seats left!

And now that us members have had a good chance to get in first, the remaining seats have been released to the great unwashed. 

But don't panic! Any non-members will be automatically cleansed because their tickets will include REST-OF-YEAR membership to the Campbelltown Joggers Club! What a bargain!

So let all your friends/relatives/neighbours know they will need to be quick (maybe not running quick) or they'll miss the bus! 

And if you're a member who just hasn't gotten around to securing your C2S bus ticket, buckle up because you are now in the race to secure the last remaining tickets (still at mates rates).


Don't be that person.

🎫Book NOW!